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A sharpening stone holder tool


Designed for guitar builder

The term "fret dress" refers to leveling and reshaping the frets. As you play your guitar, the strings wear down the frets because the strings are made out a harder metal than the frets.

The strings leave little divots in the frets where they come into contact.

For dressing the frets levels out these divots and makes the frets perfectly flat again they need to be re-rounded or crowned. This is a very common repair.


The tool for doing this action we call Sharpening Stone.


When you buy the stone it doesn't come with any tool to grab it and the sharpening becomes a frustrating work. 

In this project, I saw an opportunity to intervene in the operation performed by the guitar builder by providing an ergonomic response to the sharpening work with the stone.


I've designed and created this tool hand in hand with a professional guitar builder after much research of the existing tools on the market.



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